New member
So, my 37 gallon tank doesn't want to grow any coral. Ive had my tank up for 7 months and I keep mostly LPS, a couple softies, 2 easy sps frags, and a rbta. I cant seem to grow any corals other than GSP which has actually slowed down I think. Not even my xenia will kick into gear. My parameters are all very normal, and I have done 4-5 15 gallon weekly water changes to try and dilute whatever is causing the problem. I have a powerful skimmer (sn123 skimz) to keep nutrients low, and I feed my 6 fish sparingly always. My light is a reefbreeder LED value. I am thinking of getting some GFO for a reactor i have laying around to also slow down my problem. My sand and glass (but not my rocks) always get covered in brown gunk (that looks like cyano or dinos but I'm convinced neither are it). My hammer opens up pretty nicely every so often but he is often closed up and has grown about 1 inch since I got him in may for my other tank. From what I hear they grow much faster than this! My rbta does great tho which is wierd and is sticky and colorful. Is there something I should do differently? I would be willing to invest in some new additives but i feel like Im shooting in the dark. Any feedback would help me a lot and I trust your jugement!