No daytime polyps on my SPS


New member
With in 5-10 min after my 54 watt t5 actinics come on to start the day cycle all of my SPS suck in their polyps. Also my green brain goes from being real plump to being able to see the skeleton real well. And it's on the bottom partialy shaded

At night all polyps are out over 1/4 in.

I can most likely rule out fish nipping, the fish come out after the polyps are gone, so there is nothing to nip.

The only thing I think it could be is the light, but it's only t5's.

I changed out the actinics already and no change.

Water Q is good also.

If anyone has info, Please help....

list the fish you have in your tank. Usually they are the primary reason for lack of polyp extension during the day. It doesn't seem like lighting would be much of a factor in your case.
VERY few of my SPS ever extend their polyps during the day.. They are always out at night so I dont know...
I don't know if they are deep water sps or not.
The thing is that they all would polyp up no matter what then I replaced the old bulbs 3 months ago and a month or less later no more fur.
And I've just recently changed the actinics again with no change.
This is really weird.
How long does it take for PH to change after lights come on? My reactor needs new media, it's about 6mos old and effluent DKH is low but tank DKH is good so I don't think it's that. It's the only other thing that needs attention that I can think of.
I think it also depends on species, some of mine are out during the day, some all the time and others only at night.
Maybe it's just the species, but my green slimer used to be furry all the time. Now it's only at night. Same thing with my green brain and pouderblue stag.

I'm stupped.

Any one else got some info on this????

Most of my sps have crazy PE day and night . Although some of those high heavy with light show little to none until the halide above them goes out and they still get light fromthe next halide over.