no luck with cutting mushrooms up


New member

The red mushroom came as an addition to a rock, and I've been trying to cut it up to frag it in vain.

My first attempt was cutting through it half with a swiss army knife.
The shroom healed from the cut and remained as 1pc..

1 month later, I tried again and it healed into 1 pc.

After seeing it's resilience, I made sure I split it into 2 with the swiss army knife.. I could see it vomiting from its mouth when I made the cut..

A month later, the cut healed again.. And I still have that 1 shroom.
Is this a zombie mushroom?

How do I cut it without seemingly killing it?


After you cut it you then need to remove 1 of the pieces and attach it to another piece of rock.
here is what I did a long time ago when I messed with shrooms, cut the entire disk off the foot, then slice it like a pie, take a few small shallow cups or cut to a depth of a few inches. and fill with small~ 1/2''x1/2 pieces of rubble, place a few of the pieces in each cup next cover with a fine white nylon netting and rubber band the netting, place cups in the aquarium and wait. its important to direct light flow over the cups so the water doesnt get stagnant in there and the pieces will basically rot away.

that is the fastest/ most productive way to make 1 shroom =many.
pratice on a "not prized" shroom, see how it goes. hope this helps