Search for GlennF's tank. Beautiful and I believe he doesn't do water changes, only replenishes trace elements.
:fish1: Why would you not want to do a water change, the water is fun to collect and the side benefits are also very enjoyable, besides the tank looks amazing after a water change. :fish1:
:fish1: Hi Casey, who said I haul buckets of water? It's so much easier to pump the water into 2 containers in the boat and pump the water out of the boat directly into the sump. Plus the last few times I've been out to collect the water we have caught a few nice fish for dinner and the smoker. This is one of the benefits of collecting your own water and doing water changes, and their are many more. :fish1:
I'm fairly certain PaulB on here doesn't do w/c's, but his tank has also been up for 30+ years. It might be 40 now I can't remember.