NO3 and SPS?


Premium Member
Would 5 ppm NO3 nitrate be harmful for SPS, are there SPS that would thrive with it?

The reason I'm asking, currntly I have a mixed reef connected with a refugium with macro and a 100 gal lagoon which will eventually contain seagrass. Right now my NO3 is at 2.5ppm (Salifert) and has been that low or lower for some time. My caulerpa I'm afraid is going to go sexual and low nutrients may be to blame, once the seagrass goes in I may very well have 0 NO3 which wouldnt be very good for the plants. So I'm considering adding NO3 to bump it up to 5 ppm and maintain it. I'm just wondering how this may affect my current mixed reef with SPS, and my future plans to add on an SPS dominated tank.

BTW the additions of NO3 and plants could mean 0 PO4 may be a plus for the SPS.