Noisy 6045


New member
I have a 6045 that I have had for a couple of years which has become really noisy and the noise is like a vibrating noise. I clean the pump on a monthly basis but that hasnt resolved the problem. The pump must be one of the first series of pumps as it has the stainless steel shaft and has shown signs of rust which I clean off regulary.

I have tried re-locating the pump and mounts but this hasnt made any difference.

Does anyone have any idea of what the problem is and how to resolve this? It has become so noisy that I have had to turned it off!


My guess would be the shaft has broken free or is loose, the shaft should never come out. The drive unit may also be worn out. I would send it in for replacement.
Thanks for the response Roger. Obviously it is out of warranty and as I am in the UK would have to be sent back to the UK office. If this is the case and its not covered by the warranty then would it just be cheaper to dispose of it and purchase a new one? I cant say that I would be pleased with this solution as I would have expected it to last longer than this but I suppose that is life and you have to get over it!

Best wishes

I would contact Tunze UK, at a minimum I would think a discounted replacement is a likely option.
Roger, I have the same problem. Except my shaft doesn't get the rust or what not. I just give it vinegar baths once a month and a good scrub. I notive they have gotten louder and louder as well. Do you think I just need a replacement impellar? Hopefully not in the avenue of a replacement system itself. I have to 6045 in my nano, I put them in a small bucket of vinegar water, scrub and back in the tank. As of late however they clatter as if they are hitting the exhaust. Sometimes I get start up issues too... Please advise. Thanks1.
Is the actual impeller for the 6045 the same as the 6025? As well, are the propeller housings now bigger than the first gen, as far as exhaust goes?

My next question is, will a 6055 impeller work for a 6045? I ask this because this morning right after the bath. I just pulled out the casing because my issue was similar, and sure enough the shaft slid right off and I found the metal washer dislocated in the unit as well. What are my options Roger?
If the shaft comes out, the only option is to send in the pump for replacement. The shaft should never come out. It will be covered under warranty unless it is determined the shaft was forcibly removed or the drive unit cemented to the shaft by calcium and was thus damaged by neglect. The 6025 and 6045 use the same propeller but different housings. The 6045 and 6055 use the same housings but the 6055 has an entirely different propeller, it is larger and has a different fit and should not be used in the 6025 or 6045. It sounds like these are older pumps as we have not used the stainless steel washer in almost 2 years. On these older pumps the shaft was a different material and was not as rigidly fixed as it is now. Sending them in is the best option.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Thanks Roger. I will definitely send it in. I will send in one that is really bad, and look at my other pump. hopefully it's current state does not further deteriorate. Do you recomend monthly vinegar baths? I assume so since you have switched to a totally different shaft, etc.
I think monthly is excessive, it would be better to open the pump and remove the drive unit and clean them every 3-4 months. Soaking without disassembly does very little as the vinegar won't get into the parts that most need cleaning, like the hole in the drive unit.
Hi Roger and all. I would just like to leave an update and say how pleased I am with the service from Tunze. Despite my product being out of warranty the defective motor has been replaced. Although the motor had a design fault in that the shaft kept rusting I didnt expect Tunze to replace the motor FOC when it was out of warranty.

However I sent the 6045 back to Tunze UK and they sent me a new motor within 2 days. This is first class service and is why I shall be purchasing Tunze in preference to other manufacturers. Keep up the good work and thanks Roger for the advice and Gary Barden at Tunze UK for all his help.

Best wishes

Paul R
We accept responsibility when we make things that are less than they should be, it is never our intention to make a second rate product, warranty or not, we do our best to take care of problems that we made.
On top of all that I too would like to extend my sincere gratitude as well. I was dealing with Roger who went above and beyond me expectations. Keep up the good work as you are the epitome of a good company and customer service, even with the current state of the economy. I got my pump back in no time! Thanks a LOT Roger!.