noisy water pump


New member
Can anyone please help me here... I just switched on my return pump that is located in my sump and its waaaaaay too loud, the tank is a 55G and its located in my bedroom, i need to find something that is not this noisy or ill never be able to sleep again.
The pump is Supreme Mag Drive 7.

What is the quitest pump on the market?

Thank you
Have you tried to put something uderneath the pump to help with the vibration noise? I have heard of people using mouse pads. give that a try before you buy another pump.
I think it's noisy too.

I think it's noisy too.

I consider my Mag 7 is noisy. I don't have experience of using other return pumps so I can not make comparison here. I'd put cushion under it too. Actually I think the NW pump of my Corallife super skimmer 125 is noisier.
Yea i was thinking of putting some sort of sponge under it, but i still think that my peaceful nights are over...