
chuy marquez

New member
President- John (Strayvoltage), Vice President- Jay (Jmait) and Justin (Pseudopimp), Treasurer- Erik (Mistaflicka) Secretary- Audry (NM native)
I have to remove Jay's (jmait) nomination for VP. If anyone else is interested in nominating someone please let me know.
Ok guys we are two weeks out till the next meeting/elections. We need everybodys input on this, if there is anybody else that you would like to nominate please do so. You can do this by contacting Chuy Marquez and letting him know who you would like to nominate and what position you would like to nomimate for.


Erik Guzman
Yeah, its hard to nominate gals or guys when there is a small group of us in the club. IMO I think having any sort of nominations for officers right now is futile. As a club, we should let the current officers stand as is. Then, have nominations for officers when the club has more members and are involved. I think without counting, there are about 10-15 active members and trying to fill 5 hairs is not really the way to go. Well at least not right at this very moment.
I have to remove Jay's (jmait) nomination for VP. If anyone else is interested in nominating someone please let me know.
I appreciate being nominated but had to pull my name due to school. If Justin had or needs to pull his name then I would be honored to through my name back in the hat. I agree it may seem futile to hold elections but I think it best to follow the bylaws we established, keep everything above board and proceed forward. As long as there are people willing to fill the board member shoes that is! :)

There have always been some high and some low points as far as participation goes over the years. Just when you think this is not a going concern we pull off a meeting like the last two!

I agree with you Jay I think it best that we do have elections and follow the bylaws we did establish. Just because we don't have any nominations for new people to fill the positions does not mean we won't have officers in place. Not everyone has the time or desire to hold a position. There is nothing wrong with that. The members that are not as involved as some of the rest of us are sure not going to want to take the responsibility. Even some of the more active members are to busy in their day to day life to be bothered with it.

I feel personally that the club is doing very well and that we have come a long way in only nine months and we will move forward a lot more over the next year.
i am willing to be any officer the club needs me to be. i think elections even if there are only 5 members should take place. minutes need to be taken and those are the official happenings of the club. if it aint' in the minutes, it never happened. that is why official meeting and the such are so important. and i think the bylaws said we only need 3 or less official meetings a year which isn't bad.

don't be shy. if you want a position, or you want to make a position, like historian or something please speak up! we will find a spot for you to help in this club.
Justin, I believe the bylaws say we will have one meeting a year. Good point about if someone has an idea for other positions in the club they can be added. As you and the others that attended the very first meeting when we were forming STARS knows the bylaws were read over changed and reworded several times. We made positions for the basic officers needed to run the club and that is not to say we can't amend the bylaws and make any new position we want to. Most people probably don't even know or realize there are not only the four directors of the club but there are also three at large directors.
