NoPox not working


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I bought a new 60g cube 2 plus weeks ago. I bought off Craigslist and it had been up and running for 5 years. It has a simplicity 120 skimmer. Its loaded with live rock. Im runningcarbon. Live stock is one tang, 2 clowns, and a Mccoskers wrasse. I feed mysis once a day. I've been dosing 10ml Red sea NoPox for 2 week and my nitrates are still off the charts. 160ppm+. I've done three 15 gallon water change in 2 weeks. I just upped NoPox to 12ml per day which is more than recomended dosage. Any advice?
To start off-How's the skimmer working? Is it pulling out impurities and filling up with dark almost black liquid ? If not clean it and the neck where the foam develops and be sure it's working properly. Do this twice a week.

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How much of the original water did you keep when setting up the system? What's your phosphate reading?

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Your water is basically cycling, if I read it correctly, you've almost changed out the entire water volume..feed light every other day, and let it cycle. If you know someone who has a large established system, you could get 20 gallons of their water and add it to yours.

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I used 90% of the water from original tank. I bought from the guy when it was up and running. I took it down and transported all the water with rocks in buckets and set it back up same day. I did expect levels to rise just from everything being stirred up from the move but I didn't expect nitrates this high for this long
How long have u been running nopox? It would take few weeks for it to take effect.. do keep it mind that you are feeding the bacteria so it would multiply. Thus it would take some time for it to take effect.

I would cut down mysis daily to once a week. Also discard the water from the mysis and rinse with rodi. Siphon your substrate helps too.

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Just did a 25 gallon water change. Thats approximately 50% water volume considering rock and sand. I was thinking that would get nitrates at least to a readable level but they are still off the charts.
keep at dosing does take along time to kick in..i was at high nitrates as well this worked good ..but it does take awhile before you start seeing results...also if you dose too much you will start seeing what they call carbon snot...wont hurt anything but pain in the *** to deal with..if this happens just back off the amount that you dose