North Dakota Mini-Ocean

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Well my tank survived!!

I came home too late to see any lights on, but everything looks good...My tank helper said my parameters were very close to what I stated before and that my Nitrates were very close to zero!! Just before I left my PO4 was 0.02...So i will test tomorrow morning and hopfully we will be at 0.00 or 0.01!!!

Couple more weeks and I will add some more frags and fish...
Couple updates...

I bought some more livestock that just arrived from vivid aquarium...

3 - Sand Sifting Stars
50 - Large Nassarius Snails
2 - Pink Cucumbers
1- Croeca Clam
1 - Square Spot Anthia

And my favorite!!
Snuffle-uffle-gus!!! lol
Yes, a fighting conch...

My tank parameters are now as follows...

pH - 8.49
ORP - 365
Nitrates - 5ppm
PO4 - 0.03
dKH - 7.7
Mag - 1470
Ca - 430
Salinity - 1.027
Temp - 82 (+/- 1)

What i notice from those readings is that the calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity have come down some which I interpret as corals growing. It does seem as my temp has hovered around 82 my tank has looked the best.
Finally read through the whole thread. Great work, obviously a lot of time and dedication invested in this build. I look forward to seeing it grow out.
Thank you...It definately has been a fun build! A couple of the purple and green corals are starting to really color up. I will post pictures up this weekend as i promised before to show the progress/growth.
As promised...Pictures!!






Looking good! You've got some really great colors in there already! Wish I had access to that nice of corals! :)

Now that you've got fish and corals in there your aquascaping is a lot more defined. I like how the back part of the structure really looks like its off in the background. Much more interesting than the typical "wall of rocks" -- but I guess with a tank this size you really do get the ability to have a more intricate aquascaping.

Also, a few progress reports...

I am now running UV, Dual Skimmers, Ozone, Dual Carbon, Phosphate, and three refugiums...This has gotten my ORP to around 400ish and the corals seem to like this as I can see noticable growth.

I have also started a different feeding with mysis, silverslides, bloodworms, baby brine, adult brine, squid, DT's phyto, oyster eggs, reef chili, and krill...these are all blended together and I add about 3 oz per day. This has only been going on for about 3 days, so i am not sure of the results yet. I am also feeding algae to the tangs in the morning (both red and green).

Thats it for now!!
I think it will take much longer for the maricultured corals to get their true colors back...I've heard it can take up to a year (6 months more common). I think these have been in my tank around 3 months and they are starting to change a little bit.
did I already ask youwhich ozone you are running?

BTW, it has been my experience that mari-cultured corals have an above average tendency to bring in bugs. I think it may have to do with them being grown in a natural environment but without the aid of predators that would keep the FW, red bugs, etc. in check.
Long thread! Well worth the read. A well thought out and executed build. I hope the grow updates will continue. I can't wait to see this thing grow out.
Looking great. :thumbsup: I'm going to have to hit the road and come up and see your tank in person one of these days. Keep up the nice work!
I am running a 200mg/hr unit from ozotech...seems to be working fine thus far. I am running it through a Marine Concepts ozone reactor (3-stage unit) and have an air dryer on the air pump.
Thanks Chuck and King!! I am not 100% happy with the tank yet (probably never will be) ;)

But I am hoping i have gotten over the hump and can start growing corals and adding more fish. I will add some more pictures in a couple weeks.
Awsome! I heard the same thing about the red bugs. A friend of mine got them in his tank and wiped out all his acros! The only thing I heard of to get rid of them is dragon pipe fish.
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