New member
In dreaming about a tank bigger than my 100g I started to ponder acrylic thickness and cost on rimless v. closed top and came up with this question-
First, the setup:
Let's pretend we have a 48" acrylic cube design. The spreadsheet I have says to go rimless would require 2" thick acrylic. 2" is super pricey! But if we didn't go rimless we could step it back to 1.5".
SO, the question is...
If the cube was built rimless with 1.5" AND THEN another 1.5" thick 48"x48" piece of acrylic was used as a rim, with the center (46.5"x46.5") cut out so that the "closed top" was even with the inside & outside edges of the walls of the cube, would it suffice?! How much of a difference in tensile strength is there between a welded acrylic joint and a lite or sheet itself? When does central bracing become required?! What if the tank wasn't a cube??
Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks!
First, the setup:
Let's pretend we have a 48" acrylic cube design. The spreadsheet I have says to go rimless would require 2" thick acrylic. 2" is super pricey! But if we didn't go rimless we could step it back to 1.5".
SO, the question is...
If the cube was built rimless with 1.5" AND THEN another 1.5" thick 48"x48" piece of acrylic was used as a rim, with the center (46.5"x46.5") cut out so that the "closed top" was even with the inside & outside edges of the walls of the cube, would it suffice?! How much of a difference in tensile strength is there between a welded acrylic joint and a lite or sheet itself? When does central bracing become required?! What if the tank wasn't a cube??
Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks!