Not sure about this idea any help?


New member
I'm not sure really where to post this it's about two aggressive fish... Yesterday I walked into my lfs which relocated to a bigger store and I almost walked out with everything I wanted... so now I'm ready to get the ball rolling on getting my aggressive fish.

But then I began to really think hard about what I wanted to really do with my tank, because I have a 350g reef, which I was going to take all the coral out and put into a 20g nano and just have them in there, but I began to think about the main fish I wanted which was a volitan lion fish, a snow flake eel, dog face puffer, epaulette shark and a few more tangs like a powder blue, and naso, other than my scopas, convict and three unicorns that I already have.

So my thought process was to look at the compatibility with certain fish, and I know already the puffer isn't going to go well with the shark and the eel and shark are cautious... So I was going to cancel out the puffer and shark for a while, my main question is, can I keep all my coral, sps and lps with just getting an eel and lion? On the chart it said they would be fine. So I wanted to post it here and get some thoughts on the idea of it. I know lions like to perch so my thought was to make some room on the rocks for it. Anything would help.
IMO it could work with a big enough tank plus skimmer, my reservations would be that all the rock work is super stable as eels make tunnels etc and get very strong, plus lions don't do that well with fast moving fish like tangs making them perch more etc also dependant on how aggressive your tangs are. lions will also sit where ever they want, lol often on your best coral. Having said all that I'm biased having a volitan which is a great fish so if you want to try it just have a plan b ready and post some pics, would love to see that tank.
Thanks, I'll post some pics of the tank tonight, and then when I get the other fish... I mean it's 5 ft long 3 feet wide and about 2 feet tall.... wouldn't that be enough swimming room? I'm not sure what my plan B would be, probably to fill up the 20g and put the lion in there till I could take it back, if a problem happened.

You had said depending on how aggressive my tangs are, I lost two others due to Hurricane Irene and no power for a week, so I lost my Achilles and orange shoulder, now my three unicorns are the biggest in the tank and the female the smallest of the three has become aggressive with the other tangs like my convict. Maybe I'll take them out as well for a trade for other tangs. I was once told if I get them all at the same time and almost the same size it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm scared to put smaller tangs in there with the unicorns in fear they'll attack them all. The game changed in the tank once my two other bigger tangs died.
For a while I kept a volitan, a snowflake, and a porcupine in a full reef with no problems for almost a year, till I moved them to a bigger tank.