Not sure if its SPS...ID please


New member
What kind of coral is this or is it even a coral. I had it as a hitchhiker on my live rock as a single branch and now its grown into a colony. There's a zoanthid there for a size reference.

The skeleton is a bit flexible and not stiff like a stony coral. Kind of like catilage. The red polyps?? doesn't retract when i touch it.

any ideas?

Some one told me it might be some type of gorgonian.


Nothing Ive seen before! My guesses range from macro algae to sponge or tunicate. First glance it really looks like a really red birdsnest!
If there not retracting it's not a polyp though, even gorgonians retract.

I've never seen that before but I highly doubt it's sps. It looks more like pipe cleaners to me than coral. Perhaps a macro algae of sorts