Not the growth that I would have hoped


New member
Hello all,
I'm looking for some ideas. I have several different corals in my DT that I got as frags.
3 different zoas and an open brain.

I have a 75g, with 60lbs of live rock. 2 65g canister filters and a reef octopus 100 hob skimmer. Marine orbitz led and a fluvel marine LED light strip. Orbitz runs at a ramp up and down of 30 mins each and 8hrs of white/blue. The fluvel strip runs 3 hrs mid day and shuts off.

My stock is a fox face, sailfin tang. Flame angel coral beauty, engineer goby and 3 fire fish gobys. 2 cleaner shrimp and a clean up crew.

My question is, that I have had these corals for months with little to no growth. I have tried moving up and down on the reef and I think that I have found the best stpots as they are all open and look good, but they don't off shoot new polyps or grow.

I test mt water 2-3 weekly. Water is perfect. Including calcium and alkalinity.
I have used reef fusion for last couple of months without results. I direct feed them reef chili 2-3 times a week.

So ideas about what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for the help.
Hello all,
I have a 75g, with 60lbs of live rock. 2 65g canister filters and a reef octopus 100 hob skimmer. Marine orbitz led and a fluvel marine LED light strip. Orbitz runs at a ramp up and down of 30 mins each and 8hrs of white/blue. The fluvel strip runs 3 hrs mid day and shuts off.
Thanks for the help.

I don't have experience with these LED fixtures...but I'm guessing this is probably your problem. I'm not sure these lights are the best/intense enough for most corals.

Someone else might be able to chime in...but I would do some research on those fixtures and see what others have said.
May help to post your water chem parameters.
Also those are not the best lights. I started out with both and can tell you that my zoa growth was lacking back then.
How much growth are you expecting and can you detail how much you are getting?
any picture of the tank + coral placement?

everytime you move your corals, it could take them weeks to months to settle in and grow.

be patient, maintain stable parameters, and you're sure to get good growth