Hi, origreefer. Would you mind calling us toll-free at 1-800-566-FISH (3474) as soon as possible regarding your order? The issues you mentioned in your post are uncommon, although not completely out of the ordinary. What is peculiar, though, is that you experienced issues with not only your payment method, but also with our email system.
Generally speaking, when the card issuer has no record of a charge attempt, that means we don't have the right card number, expiration date or the security code on the front/back of the card. You mentioned you called in and supplied your card info again so that seemingly would have resolved the issue, but evidently not.
As far as emails go, all of our transitional emails are automated so there should be no reason why you were not notified of a declined card. A card declination would trigger the email to notify you there was an issue. Have you been receiving emails from us at all? If not, we may not have your email address listed correctly in our system or the emails could have been filtered out by your junk folder, ISP or ESP.
Suffice to say, we absolutely want to help you with your order and get it shipped out ASAP! Of course, if you'd prefer, we can cancel your order so you can pick up the equipment locally or purchase from another online store. We just want you to be happy and for you to get the supplies you need for your tank as soon as possible.
We hope to hear from you soon and sincerely apologize for the delays.