New member
Congratulations! I love the progression photos. Thank you for sharing!
Congratulations! I love the progression photos. Thank you for sharing!
I have a question about your "own blend" of food. What is it? How do you store it? And how do you feed it 4 times a day? I, too, love the movement of softies and lps. I have added anemones of all kinds to that mix. But so far, no nps. I have an Apex autofeeder and would love to utilize it to be able to feed the gonioporas.
Your tank is going to be my inspiration. Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks Jeeri. All the parameters and dosing information is available in the article.I wish that my tank will be like this someday. Kindly provide about your dosing and parameters
thank you
Jeeri Reddy
Your tank is just amazing!
I love the progression over the years. It is something to strive for!
Yes they will get along if you introduce all of them at the same time. Otherwise they may fight. My favorite is the blue star leopard wrassegreat tank! Curious about your leopard wrasses- do they all get along? Do you have a favorite? Ive been looking into getting one and would appreciate any advice
Thank you. No Kalk or vinegar. I tried vinegar for a little bit but it was not helping with anything.
Fantastic tank! Was wondering if you could go into more detail about your plumbing between the tank, sump, and refugium. Planning a 120 and debating a sump that includes a refugium vs. running a refugium separately. Trying to find different ways to plumb a separate refugium that would lead to the least chance of failure.
Less fish helps with the stability of the tank. Also the fishes are happy as they have more territory for themselves.Congratulations!
I was surprised to see that you only had 10 fish? Did I count correctly?
If so, was this due to maintaining nutrient control?