Now that I've got a DSLR, which macro lens should I buy?

Ok, so let's try to figure this out. First off, camera brand doesn't matter. The thing is, a zoom lens isn't what we normally use to shoot things in the tank. A true macro lens is what you're looking for.
In your pm you asked about using filters. I do not use them. If you shoot in RAW format, you can adjust the white balance in post with either the software that comes with the camera, or with Photoshop.
The cameras are fine. Even though the lens says macro, they are not true macros. A true macro will give you 1:1 magnification. The one you listed won't. I'm not saying you can't get close, but a true macro will do better. Something like the Nikon 105 macro will do the best.
That may or may not work on your camera. You may loose some auto functions. It isn't a true macro lens so I don't know how close you can get for tank shots. I've never used any Adaptall stuff.
So from what I've read, (I shoot with Nikon), the best is the Canon 105 2.8 macro. The other two that are just behind it would be the Sigma 105 2.8 and the Tamron 90 2.8. Tokina also makes a 105 2.8 but you don't see it around much. Any of those should fit the bill. If you're looking to save a bit, look into used. Both B&H and Adorama are very reliable.