NSW from LFS

I only use NSW and use GFO in a 2LF150 Reactor at all times to keep Phosphates at undetectable as possible. The NSW is around 8 Alk and 400 calcium, so i dose 2 part to bring both up a bit after each waterchange. Also, some LFS filter their NSW, I know there is a risk but I prefer non-filtered NSW that includes all of natures wonders.
NSW that includes all of natures wonders.

Barrier Reef filters theirs with UV and I believe mechanical filtration... There are three of four others that do not filter NSW that i know of in S. Florida unless they see a whale poop in the water... LOL. Not sure if the bulk NSW guys filter theirs or not. I doubt it as it comes straight from the ocean 2-3 miles out. I get mine from Elite Marine or Exotic who do not filter theirs.
I was using NSW for 14 months and only had phosphates at .00 for two days after installing GFO reactor. At the beginning I thought it was the maturity process of tank but, 14 months I think is more than enough. At beginning of this week I'm changing two gallons of salt water every day and phosphates went down from .17 to .09. Of course, I always used RO/DI four stage unit with TDS reading .00 for evaporated water and now for salt water in case somebody asked.
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We come to this forum to learn from people with more experience than the beginners, it's sad how some fools play around not taking in consideration their playing around with the live of corals and fishes in our aquariums.
Reef Zone does and they are nice guys...

NSW is the way to go if you are near the ocean. The first marine aquariums were based around changing 100% of the water every day by going to the beach and getting fresh NSW. To go beyond beginner level (sorry if we offended anyone), NSW hosts all of the advantageous planktons and living organisms that feed the corals in the wild. So your NSW will actually feed your corals rather than having to add food or trace elements. Yes, there is a risk of getting some non-advantageous organisms but the reward is worth the risk. NOw, please do NOT go to the beach and collect your own. The water near the beach may have fresh-water run-off, pesticides, oil/gas, suntan lotion and even rain-water on the top. I would not risk it. Buy it from LFS and it is usually the same price as RO/DI water at around 50cents per gallon here in S. Florida. GL...
NOw, please do NOT go to the beach and collect your own. The water near the beach may have fresh-water run-off, pesticides, oil/gas, suntan lotion and even rain-water on the top. I would not risk it. Buy it from LFS

The LFS, that sell NSW all get their water from the Inlets on high tide. Anyone can do the same if you are close. Just figure out a way to get the water from the inlet to your house. I use a 5 gallon bucket with a rope. Well I used to until I threw my back out playing ball. At Boynton inlet you can back your truck/car right up to the inlet for easy transfer.