Nuvo 40 Gallon SPS Build




Looking good so far man, glad to see you downloaded tapatalk. Much easier to use especially when it comes to uploading pictures.

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Thanks, Tapatalk is much better. It was frustrating trying to get pictures up. I thought it worked and then they didn't show. Now it looks like they're all on here.

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The zeovit brown bacteria slime has been driving me crazy. Is there any solution people have had out there?

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Thanks guys! I wanted to do an Acropora garden in the top with an area for a few different color monti-caps. Right now I have orange, purple, and green and a few zoanthids on the bottom left.

I've finally got my dosing pumps really dialed in and Zeovit is doing great with nutrients so far as I'm unable to detect any nitrates or phosphates. Still learning the system but it seems to be working though.

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Any tricks for pairing up clownfish? They were added together and they sleep nearby one another at night but during the day they don't stay together much and the female can beat the other up. Sometimes they hang out together but only occasionally. I've only seen the shaking thing from the male once or twice.

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Here's the livestock list so far:


Flame Angel
Lemonpeel Angel
Orange Semi-Picasso Clown
Black Occelaris


ORA Borealis
ORA Hawkins Echinata
ORA Blue Bottlebrush
ORA Pink Birdsnest
ORA Red Planet
ORA Pink-Green Acro
ORA Pink Stylophora
Garf Bonsai
Purple Millepora
Blue Millepora
Teal table Acro
Green Blue tip Slimer
Team Tortuosa
Strawberry Fields Montipora
Orange Montipora
Purple Montipora
Bright Green Tenius
Frogskin Acropora
Garf Bonsai
Green Star Polyp
Various Zoanthids
Green Star Polyp

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They were added together and I haven't yet but time will tell. If they start fighting I'll end up trading one in for a different fish.

I liked the idea of dwarf angels because they are nice fish and your options with this tank are pretty limited i.e. no surgeonfish etc.

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Yeah, there is a long owners thread on the Nuvo than can help but it's quite long. I would definitely do the Tunze Skimmer instead of the Ghost. I actually own both and there is no comparison.

I would also use an IM reactor for biopellets or zeovit because it can be tough to control nutrients in the small setup. What sort of livestock are you planning?

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I've seen the thread and it's quite long but there seems to be a lot of good information. It's just a matter of finding it. As far as live stock. I'm looking to get a clownfish, flame angelfish, purple fire fish and a mandarin later on once the tank has matured. As well as some beginner corals
Nice setup!
What are those powerheads your using? It looks like the cords are on the outside?
Is it similar to my Intex pool light where magnets hold the two halves together and powers through the side?
I have a jabeo wavemaker and I can't for the life of me get the suction cut to hold it to the inside wall. I did pick up the whole setup used and am just plain sick of in tank suction cups!
How do you pump the Zeovit media in the IM reactor? I read that the media has to be pumped and not just tumbled. How long have you been using it?
The IM reactor has a removable compartment that makes it very easy to remove and shake-agitate the mulm off the stones.

The tank has been setup for roughly six months now and I'm starting to get some really great growth with my SPS the last couple months.

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