NVR Tanks


Sunny D's
With all the recent pictures of your tanks. They're beautiful and amazing. You guys give me hope to some day to have one as nice as yours. I've been calling my Honey (we work together) into my office to come LOOK at this tank and that one. Oh look at this coral and fish, etc....

So, keep posting those pictures and updates please. :)
How better to share your latest coral/fish addition, equipment modification or oddity (acan split) than with you fellow reef'er buds at NVR?

Oh wow, thanks for searching for all those threads Jake. I'll PM a mod to see if we can make it a sticky :)
Here is my tank. Its a 29G Oceanic BioCube. I've added AquaticLife mini internal skimmer in chamber 1 and added a media basket in chamber 2 that is running 1 sock of carbon and 1 sock of FiltraM. I added a 2nd pump in chamber 2 because im running a chiller. My tank is about 8 or 9 months old. It's not an amazing tank with amazing rock scaling but im in the process of slowly making it amazing =) here are some pictures.
Sorry didn't work the first time.


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Looks great Myra! You should start a new post for a build thread :) I know you must have some pics of when you first the tank up up until now. Also a nice full tank shot would be nice.
Hey Ed - Do you have a build thread, or pictures of your tank to share yet? How's the 'new' tank coming along?
