
New member
New York Reef Club True Trade Swap

Date: TBD (thinking Saturday Night April 26th, May 10 or 24)

@ Knutez24's
Freeport, NY

:celeb3: :celeb1: :beer: :celeb2: :eek2: :spin3: :dance: :fish1:​

The idea of a Frag Swap brings to mind purchasing frags, but in the true spirit of Swapping or Trading coral we would like to have the first NYRC True TRADE Swap. This is a great opportunity for us all to get together and Trade Frags.

This is a different platform than the NYRC True Swap, and is not intended to replace it, but to give our club another opportunity to get together for the sole purpose of trading coral!

The overall idea is to get together, have some drinks, chat about reef, trade some frags, set up trades before hand, and learn a thing or two. The added bonus is you get corals from your tank into someone else tank without exchanging money. So if you happen to lose a coral, others within our club will already have it in their tanks"¦

  • Start Fragging so they are fully healed by the swap
  • Post what you have to trade and what you are looking for on this thread
  • Bring some extra frags to the swap to trade with everyone involved
  • Newer Members and owners of Newer Tanks still attend, have a few drinks and i'm sure you won't leave empty handed :beer:

As always I'm sure we can stir up a few surprises to Raffle off.
I've been to similar events before, and walked away with so many new frags for my tank. Glad we could work this into the NYRC schedule.

Remember, post what frags you have, what you could frag, and what you are looking for to help set up some trades before the event!

Can't wait!! Sound like good time and we get to see that new build also !!!

Ya hopefully by the time this rolls around I'll be starting to stock the new build!
Woot woot! I am stoked that this is happening.

The frag bug has me, and this will be a great way to circulate frags and hang with friends
So far frags I have to trade:

1 maxi mini anemone- red and purple
1 4-5 polyp frag of purple death
1 green/purple sinularia w/ green and purple and red maxi mini nem
1 Frag green stylo
1 4 inch wide devils hand leather
1 6 polyp frag of radioactive green eye zoa

Nice millie
Blond Eye B zoas
Monti Setosa- red orange
Oregon tort
Yoda zoa
Hammer coral from Harry's tank

Talked about this event at yesterday's meeting. Hopefully everyone has started some frags. I'll post my pics and a list later.
Wish I had something to frag but right now I got ZERO. I'll be at the swap regardless snapping pics of the frags..
I am out all day on April 26th for a work event. Do not expect to be able to get back in my home area until 7ish.

The dates in May work so far.
Would likely prefer a saturday night.
That works just remember that is Memorial Weekend....Memorial day is on the 26th this year. I have no prob i'll be around that weekend for work anyway.
Very nice Stan! I'm looking forward to it. I think our date is getting pushed back a little more also. Def not in April with our meeting be that weekend now. Have to finalize but might be early June now. Give you plenty of time.

Nottick: just another reason for the NYRC Family to get together and hang out. Never a bad thing especially when there will be a ton of Frags for our members.
Isn't it great when corals break in the bag OR when you drop it by mistake while trying to glue it to the plug without? That means I may have a few new frags to add to the list.