NYReefClub Tank Tour visit


One Happy Reefer
Hi there follow reefers,

My name is Harry, president of the NY Reef Club (NYReefClub.com). We are planning a Tank Tour on May, 15 2011 through Brooklyn, Staten Island into New Jersey, Upstate New York, Lower East Connecticut, Westchester, down into the Bronx, into Queens, and finally back to our headquarters in Ozone Park, Queens.

We (about 20-25 reef enthusiasts) are looking to visit Reef tanks of any of your members who might be on our route. Length of each visit would be about an hour.

Goals are to see different reef systems, trade and/or buy frags and fish, to chat reef and meet other great people in our hobby.

If you might be interested in showing off your reef and hosting our club of hobbists, as stated above, please respond to this thread.

We will be greatly appreciative and can reciprocate if your club plans a tank tour in our direction.

Thank you for your time,
Dr. Harry Lopez
President, NYReefClub
How far "upstate" are you willing to come Harry. Something tells me that vague word means something different to someone from LI vs Buffalo ;)
How far "upstate" are you willing to come Harry. Something tells me that vague word means something different to someone from LI vs Buffalo ;)

Hi Ski,
Thanks for responding. We're just trying to connect the dots along our route and not stray too far off. LOL yes the "Upstate" word is a little vague, but I just through this post up to see who and where we might be able to go.

I'd say NY should not be too far off the NJ and CT path.

Please let me know

Hi again, Doc.
Most of the folks that frequent this URS forum are north of Binghamton.

I'll bet you folks get to see some spectacular reef aquariums in the NJ/NY/CT