O. briareus problem


New member
I have noticed it is eating its own arms. (autophagy). I have read that shipping stress and a viral infection may be to blame. But what can i actually do to help it?
Try dimming the lights, giveing it more hiding places and make sure water quality is ok.
You can also ad some live hermits or small crabs to give it a favorite food. It sounds like a stress issue. You could try posting to ceph list if your a member as well.\chris
Thanks Chris,
I have already made sure that the tank is dark and that there is plenty of food available like crabs. I hope it survives but looking at it again tonight it seems like it is losing mobility in its arms. It was at the front of the tank just using its syphon.
I have more coming this week. I hope that they have endured the shipping better thank this one.
Is this a common occurance in new octos?
The original briareus died that night i last posted. On examination it had chewed up all of its arms. I think it had to be stress with shipping. I suppose that comes from it being such an intelligent animal. A bit like stressed parrots I have worked with. They sometimes get given to us after they start pulling out their own feathers.

The second lot of octos arrived safely. I got another briareus (larger than the first with only 5 legs [a pentapus]?????. This one took a crab from me within one hour so i asume it is healthy and 3 days later is still looking good. The other 2 octos are small, marble sized bodies with a 10-12cm span. They have large suckers and look a bit like vulagris. But who knows????

so that is me up to 4 octos and 7 sepia, what do you have at present?
Hey Colin
Well you have more cephs than any one I know lol.
My only ceph at the moment is my Mimic octopus. I do have a Mantis shrimp as well in another tank. That is a very animal as well. What ever happend to your octo with the white V on it?
where did you find the Mimic Octo?

where did you find the Mimic Octo?

Hey Cephalopoder,

Where did you find the Mimic Octo?? I have a Bimac that i've had for about a month and he's doing VERY well, he only has 6 legs (Hexapus) - do they ever grow back?? I don't always see him, but he eats a crayfish every other day (i find the shells in the morning)...Is there any way to get him to come out more often or is that just something I need to be patient with? Am i possibly feeding him before he is REALLY hungry, and because of that, he's not rushing out to eat when i put the cray fish in? How is the mimc Octo compared with a Bimac in size, color, etc? If I were to get another Octo, I think i would get a Mimic...Thanks!
I think one of the best ways to get your octo used to being seen is to feed it thawed raw frozen shrimp on the end of a feeding probe. Tjis was the octo will look at you as "the food god" and look forward to seeing you more.It takes 1-2 months for a octo to really settle in it seems.
As far as the Minic gos. It is a new species to science that has not even been given a proper scientific name yet. It has actually been seen alive by only a handful of people in the world.
Mine is the only known living specimin in captivity from what I have been told by John Forsythe of the cephalopd research center in texas.John is one of the few scientists to actully see these aniamls alive in their natural habitat.
The chances of getting another one would be equal to winning the lottery. Im trying though lol. I just happend to luck out when my supplier sent m a pic of a strange zebra octopus he got for me. I about fell out of my chair when I saw the pic.
You might wat to keep your eyes open for any thing called a Zebra Bali octopus. You could wind up with a mimic or a wonderpus. Both very rare and beautiful octos in the trade.
I just got the camera back from my little sis on xmas day. So plenty of pics to follow......

briareus is a female; it laid eggs on the back of its cave. so off to the drawing board to design a tank with comaprtments for babies. i will send pics when i get started. Anyone got 1st hand experience that you know of? I have read James Woods papers.

The other species I have ocassionally shows white marking but not quite a "V". It is getting tame now so I can get pics easy. It has extemely long arms. (horridus complex?)

And lastly the other 2 octos... I havnt a clue. They are very bold and if i put my hand in will try to attack and after a second or two just explore my hand. Kinda fun. I have no idea about their species yet though. One clue might be that their suckers are in a zig-zag??????

I have seen the bali zebra you mention in an exporters guide. The company is called Amblard. French I think. I have one on permanent order! Just a matter of time. I am hoping for a mimic or wunderpus, but we'll see. This pic is a pic of the long arm-type white mark thingy...
Nice pics Colin!!!
Do you have any pics of it displaying the white marks? Is this species day active? Any idea where it comes from? I'll see what I can find on this octo in the ceph world guide. Looks like a horridus species.
I will try to get a pic of its white markings asap. I have started re-doing my site with new pics. I will let you know when i add new pics for you to see.
I was told it came from Bali. But then.... thats what they said about briareus too!

I would best describe this octo as cepuscular. It spends a lot of the day sitting on the front panel watching us, but forages a lot at around 8-12 pm and early in the morning too.
Autophagy is thought to be caused by stress, a disease/virus/??? or both. I'd guess shipping stress in your case.

James Wood