O/T Last addition....I promise


New member
Ok,Wife has now officially banned me from going to Petsmart at weekends.This is my third adoption from Petsmart(via the no kill shelters that offer pets for adoption there).The other two in the pictures are brother/sister & were in a shelter for 3 years before I grabbed them.This latest was born with only 3 good legs(the other is deformed & pretty much no use-although she still tries to "give a paw" when asked).So far seems to be getting on well with the pack(the others are not pictured).Please excuse the "doggie slava" on the sheets,but this is "their" bed,that we put in the office,so it does not stay clean for too long.
Congrats on the new addition. My dogs saw the pictures and now they want to move in with you!!!!!!!!!! All they can talk about is that bed "so roomy, so comfy, look isn't that the tv remote?"
Thank You(& your guys are free to move in if they can show my pack how to work the rermote-apparantly "brindles" aren't too smart in that field,as they prefer to just chew the remote).I knew I had a problem when I had to give these guys their own room/bed....but Dog's Rule!
She's beautiful, Darcy.

Those are some seriously spoiled dogs.
If that's what they mean by "a dog's life"... well then, sign me up! :D