o2manyfish - Pulled out the Macro Lens


Been awhile since I pulled out the Macro Lens.

These photos were shot under Radions G3 Pro - All channels at 100%. These are not shot under bluish, blue or heavy blue.

Acro Pink 1.jpg

I love this Aussie Piece, the polyps aren't on any of the tips.
Aussie SPS 1.jpg

This one came from Aussie a few months ago. It was yellow and pink. I got it because it has a Coco Worm growing in the center, and the wife loves Coco Worms. But now it's purple and green.
Aussie SPS 2.jpg

Bizzaro Cypahs.jpg

Here is a Grafted Setosa I have been growing out for the past 2 years. To get the Red v Green to really pop you need to crank up the blues. But I think that is because I have it so high in the tank. But under the whites and with the macro take a look at all the color mixing in this one
Grafted Setosa.jpg

Grafted Setosa 2.jpg

Just An Acro.jpg

Kung Pao 1.jpg

Kung Pao 2.jpg
My Miyagi Tort Colony--- So many years and it still has some crazy contrasting colors
Miyagi Tort.jpg

Tyree Flower Petal Monti.jpg

UC Tort.jpg

This Monti is the reason I pulled out the Macro lens tonight. I didn't know what it was and needed an ID - Turns out this is Tropic Thunder. One of the few corals I have that looks better from the side than from above.
Tropic Thunder.jpg

Tropic Thunder 2 .jpg

Dave B

I don't want RC Mods to jump on me but the 2nd one is what I imagine what the women of avatar use to nurse their young :)

Dave B

I don't want RC Mods to jump on me but the 2nd one is what I imagine what the women of avatar use to nurse their young :)

Dave B

[emoji23] That's it, it's a must have acro. Just a sheer double meaning of this coral makes it even more special. Lol is that a gomezi btw?
Very nice love that Kung Pao and Tropic Thunder!

You know what's interesting. The first pink acro and the 3rd purple acro.

Those both came in from Cairns marine about 2 months ago. The both came in with pastel colors and were yellow and pink.

Amazing how corals can change so much.

Dave B
You know what's interesting. The first pink acro and the 3rd purple acro.

Those both came in from Cairns marine about 2 months ago. The both came in with pastel colors and were yellow and pink.

Amazing how corals can change so much.

Dave B

Very cool good info thanks Dave.

Do you keep your montis lower in your tank or do you blast them. Specifically the "Kung Pao". I picked up something similar last week from Unique Corals and not sure. Any 411 is appreciated.

So many cool corals both LPS and SPS are hard to come by these days. I was at a LFS last week and people were offering $150+ a head for branching indo LPS, just plain green....

Dave B

Yeah, with all these bans stores are hiking up the prices. The word on the street is that we will be getting some stuff from indo again.
Not to shabby for a hobbyist who at one time was stupid and impatient according to a complete stranger :lmao:

Awesome as always Dave!
Not to shabby for a hobbyist who at one time was stupid and impatient according to a complete stranger :lmao:

Awesome as always Dave!

Rik, Don't be a (rhymes with Rik but starts with a D) -- He didn't assume I was stupid, he knew I was a moron.

And not once have I ever claimed to have political ambitions.


Rik, I hope your tank is kicking butt. Haven't seen any current pics.

It's doing ok. I wouldn't say kicking butt and I wouldn't say it's struggling. I have a couple small frags for you, if you want them. The tank needs fish, I only have four.