October Meeting Notes


Our October 17Th meeting was another great one! A special thank you goes out to Chris and Steve for getting things setup for us!

Business discussed included doing an online auction versus a silent auction for items that the club has. Dan stated that he would check into different software available for this purpose and get back to everyone on what he found at the next meeting.

We are also looking for a group of 5 or 6 people to help coordinate a frag swap/auction for the club. Those interested can email me and I will add you to the list that will be posted over on the website.

For those of you unaware...Kevin missed the meeting due to the fact that he was in San Francisco, CA where he was filming for an upcoming TV series (and building a tank for Dean Richard Anderson aka MacGyver.) This sounds like a great series that will be aired on many major T.V. channels such as CBS, NBC, etc. Chris has promised to keep us updated as to when we'll be able to view it and I'll make sure that gets passed on to everyone.

Our next meeting will be held November 14Th due to the upcoming holidays and this will be our last meeting of the year. We will not be meeting in December but will resume on January 16Th, 2008 at 6:30 at the coral farm.

November's meeting topic will be a slide presentation of Kevin's diving trips.

A very special THANK YOU goes out to Jodi and Jessie for their outstanding presentation on Algae in the Aquarium. It was well done with a ton of outstanding information! We can't wait for part II.

Until next time~
Happy Reefing!