October POTM contest (themed)


Reef Guru
Congrats to sperry for winning Sept 2009 POTM contest. By winning, he got to choose the theme for Octobers POTM contest.

He has chosen a cool Halloween theme: from sperry: "keeping with a Halloween theme I was thinking creepy crawly, things that creep, crawl, slither, slime or just look spooky."

So have at it, post a picture in this thread of something creepy or spooky looking from your aquarium. Good luck!

(please submit only one entry per person)
Game on!!!!!

Here's my submission:

That's hysterical! My Tuxedo has picked up everything, including a toothpick I used once to secure a frag to a rock, but never a shell that large!
Okay Jay:

Here's an "œOfficial (creepy) Entry"

Meet: Spaghetti Worm - Loimia Medusa.
This particular little critter is about a half inch in length and the shot was only available via the super macro mode on my Fuji Finepix S602Zoom, with the lens (literally) placed up against the glass!

Normally, I don't see these critters out of the sandbed, but the actinics just came up and voila'! Spaghetti worm!

Not a pretty picture, but you asked for Creepy:

My urchin is going Trick or Treating as a snail this year.

Your timing in uncanny! MY urchin just picked up these two shells today. (I wonder if he's been on RC?)

In any event, this is NOT an official entry, because this guy has turbo-snail shell envy and yours is bigger. (The shell).

Note the Whammin' Watermelon zoa (micro-frag) stuck on his head. They broke off and were loose in the tank. He's been carting those around for well over a month now, and they're actually growing quite nicely!

Meet Spike:
