
John Bloch

New member
Hey, I was wondering If you guys think I could succesfully keep an octo in a biocube...

The only real reason is, I can get biocubes at a fairly inexpensive price...

they make a 14 and a 29... I'm sure I can keep a dwarf in a 29, but would a 14 work? I want it to be a present for my little brother, because he has allways been facinated with cephalopods since he was really little...

thoughts? I understand that it will only live for about 6-8 months due to being a dwarf and a fully grown adult when it is brought into captivity...

either way, I will probably cycle it with chromis, and was wondering if they would be good with him... they are a damsel, but Ive heard that they arent agressive, while the other types are...

thanks alot for your help guys and gals!
Usually any fish with an Octo is a bad idea, it will become food no matter how fast they are. You will have to make sure that the animal cannot get into the filter compartment which is the most difficult part, and will have to secure the feeding door, they are escape artists.

In general I would think that it wouldnt be a very good idea, considering how much water qual. can fluctuate in a nano.
HMMMM, you will have to secure it very well, as you have probably seen the size of gaps they can squeeze through. If you have a large very efficient filter it might be worth a go as the bioload of the preys carcass' won't be a problem, but if the octo gets in the filter youwill have breaks, leaks, and an ill octopus, so not really recommended. octo proof the filter if it is external, and make sure if it is a HOB that the hole to it is octo proof. If you keep up with w/c and clean the tank regularly, I can't see why not. Be sure to use living rock to help though, never skimp on the filtration for an octo tank, especially a nano one.

Even if you get the dwarf octopus O.mercatoris it won't live 6-8 months, probably 1 one maximum as the specimens caught are already adults. Unless you rear the fry it's pointless to buy a dwarf.