Octopus Id ???


New member
I uploaded the pictures to my Id but I don't know how to attach them here. Help to that would be apreciated.

If anyone has an idea about what kind of octopus this is I would appreciate that too?

He or she is quite large as you can see by the cinder block & 3/4 inch pipe in the background. I do have a few more pics if that helps. Thanks
I can not see a false eye spot but it looks like O.bimaculoides by the skin coloration. If you have some better pics of the side below the eyes that would be a big help.

I added two more pics. Will need to borrow a camera to get more shots.

I have another one that is smaller (1/4 the size) but I couldn't get him to come out of his rock when I had the camera. He/she lives inside a live rock that is hollow. He/she likes to put debris in the opening and makes a makeshift door.

I haven't (nor do I plan) to mix the two unless I can determine the are the same and two different sexes. Any ideas?

I will try and get pictures of the other one.
It is still really hard to say, I need really really good shot of its side. It could be o_Oculifer but it is hard to tell.