Octopus update along with egg photos

I moved my web site so updating a few photo locations
here are the eggs
The official report is. The mother died on the 4-11-06. When I woke I found her on the bottom.
Because of the ammonia spike from her passing, most of her co inhabitants went with her. Some that survived were 3 chromis , a few crabs, some snails and the coral. I ended up removing the tank to give it a proper cleaning. I set up a 24 gallon nano for now with no future plans of another octopus tank. At least for a little while until more research is done for a better environment. The tube tank was awesome but with it built in. I found it very hard to properly clean. One of my last photos of her getting ready to eat a piece of freeze dried krill.

Her color was not looking good at this point.
sorry to hear.....

It sure sucks to find your "kid" dead in the morning. I wish you the best, I was just there 4-5 months ago, hopefully things will turn around and you'll be ready again.

Keep in mind this is the normal cycle for a female, it was her time. Nothing could have been done to prolong her life.
Thanks liquidfunk
Yep I knew it was the end of her life cycle as soon as I saw the eggs. But while I had her I noticed a few design flaws. The tank was awesome but really needed filtration on both sides. It would cycle through the tubes just not enough to keep up. If I had a place out in the open I think I could of done more. But limited to space here in my condo. That may even be a good thing. If I had room I would have speciman tanks all over. As much enjoyment as I had with her. I know in time there will be another. Thanks again.