Odd Jawfish?


New member
I now am the owner of a tiger jawfish and have had him for a little over two weeks. I wanted to know if anyone out there has had a jawfish do what mine is doing. I was prepared to not see him all of the time and that he would dig up like half of my sandbed before he found a burrow that he likes.

But I was not prepared to find him curled up like a cat in a small divet that he has made in the corner of the open sand. He has a burrow that he is in and protecting all day when the lights are on. But almost every morning I can count on him to be curled up in the corner or in a large hole in a rock in the front of the tank. Is this "normal"? I know that our fish don't always exhibit "normal" behavior in our tanks, but this seems really strange.

Any thoughts would be welcome.
I would much rather have him some where I could see him than some place you hardly ever could see him.

You got any pictures of him?

We caught this picture after the power outage taht we had a coule of days ago and he was still out when the lights came back on.
He has a burrow already (actually he dug three before he picked his current one). He doesn't really come out when the lights are on. He comes out and sleeps on the sand after the lights go off.

Cave - He is very cool but when he is out sleeping it is a little freaky since he doesn't look like he is breathing. The first time we caught him doing his nap on the sand we both thought that he was dead until he took off.