Official 2010 WTMRAC Frag Swap SPONSOR PACKET

Mako Shark II

Fish are Friends not Food
Please note:
This thread is for Sponsors, Suppliers, Vendors and Individuals, wishing to Set-Up and DISPLAY at the 2010 Frag Swap.

All other general information, can be found on the: Official 2010 WTMRAC Frag Swap Thread

Over 140 OEM's, Distributors and Suppliers have received this notice already, but this is the first posting to Reef Central:

Dear WTMRAC Sponsor,
My name is Marty Klauss and I'm the Vice President of the West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club. More information about us is available at: .

We are tremendously excited to present to your company, this advanced notice of our pending:

4th Annual Frag Swap & Tradeshow
Saturday, Sept. 25th, 2010
Memphis Agricenter International

This show will prove to be our Biggest & Best effort yet to date, because it commands a great amount of enthusiasm, traffic, visibility, promotion, purchasing and sales opportunities for a vast number of OEM's, Distributors and local businesses to a growing number of hobby enthusiasts, existing Club members, and curious newcomers to the reef aquarium hobby!!!

Mid-South Market:
WTMRAC is the only club of its kind in the entire region, and it is our privilege to invite your organization back to be among the first to secure limited booth space and support this year's Frag Swap & Tradeshow.

Memphis is the largest city in the entire State of Tennessee (by population) and the greater Memphis-metro area, including adjacent counties in northern Mississippi and eastern Arkansas, has a collective population of 1,280,533, making the "œMid-South" market a highly desirable demographic to grow your sales and develop new revenue channels.

2010 Location:
WTMRAC has secured a world-class venue to showcase our event in the "œD-Wing" at the Agricenter International, conveniently located at 7777 Walnut Grove, Memphis, Tennessee.

Sitting on approximately 1000-acres, the Agricenter International is a non-profit organization formed in 1981. The Expo Center at Agricenter International boasts over 80,000 square feet of exhibit space. More information is available at (901) 757-7777 or on-line:

10x10 Booth Space is now currently available!
As a potential Sponsor to the club, you now have the opportunity to secure favorable floor space which is available on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability. Please provide your first, second and third booth space choices, along with your commitment to the Show. Accordingly, Sponsors are encouraged to renew now for this coming event. Booths 1-20 come with 120v electric power. Once these initial twenty (20) slots have been allocated, additional booth space may be made available, on an as-needed basis.


The center section is being reserved for concessions, club registration, Tee-shirt sales, "œfragging" and product demonstrations, vendor presentations, etc.

Sponsorship versus Vendor Definition:
"œSponsorship" is defined as those suppliers who have donated a minimum of $60. (net value) worth of dry goods, live stock, coupons or gift certificates during the year or specifically for the Frag Swap, prior to August 31st 2010. "œVendors" are displaying individuals or suppliers who pay $20 for a Booth Space. Renewals occur each year ahead of the coming year's Frag Swap and payment can be made via Check to WTMRAC or on-line at

Sponsor Promotion:
All Sponsors in good standing at the time of the Frag Swap, will be included in the program fliers and are also featured prominently on the side panel of on the Club's Sponsor web page hyperlinked directly to your respective business during the upcoming year. Sponsors should provide standard media image files of your logo in either .jpg, .tiff or .bmp format with your Show Registration request e-mail.

Vendor Presentations:
Displaying vendors with pre-allocated booth space are encouraged to present your company's specific service or product offering during the show. Additionally, limited fifteen (15) to thirty (30) minute timeslots are available on a first come, first-served basis to present from the Center Floor demo location. WTMRAC reserves the right to review and approve planned presentation content and materials ahead of the event.

Electronic Media:
The Club will provide a PC projector and projector screen for any vendors requiring technology for videos, PowerPoint slides, digital imagery, etc. from the Center Floor location (only).

Other Important Show Information: If desired, WTMRAC will make available:
- One 10' banquet table and two chairs to each displaying Supplier, and
- Electrical power to Booths 1 through 20.
- (Center booths have a $60 pass-through cost to WTMRAC from the Agricenter as a premium for electrical drops, and therefore are not offered at this juncture.)

Please advise us of any special requirements, along with your Sponsorship, requested Booth numbers and artwork.

Admission Fee Waiver:
Displaying Sponsors & Vendors include (1) Admission Fee waiver.

Silent Auction items needed:
During the Frag Swap, Sponsor and Vendor donations will be prominently identified and promoted from the Center Floor demo area during Silent Auction and Raffle formats.

Details for the event are contained in the attached Adobe .pdf files.

So with this, we welcome you to our Frag Swap and ask for your continued support to renew your Sponsorship to WTMRAC. Interested Sponsors or Vendors should call me with any questions you might have. All registration requests must be made in writing via e-mail to

We sincerely and genuinely would like to thank you for your customer service, product line offering, and distribution channels, as well as your continuing support to our Club Membership!


Marty Klauss - Vice President
West Tennessee Marine & Reef Aquarium Club
1001 Newington Street
Collierville, TN 38017
(901) 573-8713 "“ Cell


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We still have some great spots available, Marty has done a great job getting this together and we should have a great swap!!