OFFICIAL bring back the I-Tech Thread!!!

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New member
Let's band together and get the I-Tech's back on the market! Could be the start of the Oldsmar riots!
I wasnt around when these were huge so explain what happened it them? How come if there so great they stopped making them?

I have been running my 200 for a week and love it so far
I wasnt around when these were huge so explain what happened it them? How come if there so great they stopped making them?

I have been running my 200 for a week and love it so far

Don't know the reason, but I've never seen a bad review.
Travis good point. I always wondered. I have looked for almost a year for a 400. I think Matt has a 400 on his 180
long story short, john and the company that used to make them parted ways and he has not been able to find another company that can make them cost effective enough to bring back.
I don't want to speak for John, but if I remember correctly, unreliable manufacturers/fabricators were the cause of the shut down and not John's desire to stop producing them.
I have a 400 and a 100. The 100 took the place of an SRO3000 and does as good of a job or better yet is about half the size. I would love to see them made again. My 400 is sitting in my garage waiting for me to get my 300g up and running so I have not used it yet but I am sure it will be a beast.
I observed a little bit of the research he did in producing them and saw the prototypes. It's amazing how he ran a busy store + got around to build a highly rated successful skimmer. Reminds me of how lazy I am. :lol:

Bring it back!
I bought a 100 off the boards about two months back and love the thing. Best money I've spent for my tank. The foot print is amazing and pulls way more junk than my old Euro Reef that is much bigger.
There is no need for speculation. If you want to know way i-TECH is no longer being made then ask me in person. Because it was/is a commercial venture, RC is not the appropriate venue for such discussion.

As always, THANK YOU for the support in all of my efforts.
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