Official nomination for the 2017 B.O.D.

I would like to encourage everyone to get involved with the club and if you have the time and drive to possibly run for a place on the board. If you did not know, every position is voted in by the membership at the December meeting every year. We are in need of motivated people to move the club forward and an influx of new ideas is always welcomed.

The Positions are as follows:

Vice President
Web Master
Special Events
News Letter

You do not have to be a long time member to get involved. The positions are open to any current member. That is really it, just be paid up on dues or a lifetime member.

We really need people to make some nominations or else there won't really even be an election if we only have one person nominated for each position. Here are the current nominations for the 2017 BoD

President - Jaime Adams

Vice President - Jeremy Vromann

Secretary - Sierra Tarbox

Treasurer - Gary Spangler

Web Master - Zack Tyke

Membership - Greg Swiech

Raffle - Milan Rhine

Special Events - Ted Baily

News Letter - Carrie Hamley

Please help me add to this list. Thank You