Offshored's 240 Gallon Tank Build

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New member
Hey everyone

Been in the hobby for around 6 months now... started with a 55 glass w/ Eheim Pro and Aqua C Remora.

We've been through a really bad crash where we lost all but 2 fish overnight and have learned a lot. N00b issues like using tap water, not curing live rock, etc...

We have finally got our 55 under control and have decided it's time to step up and get a tank that can hold most of the fish and coral we wish to keep.

We recently purchased a 240 gallon acrylic tank with a stand and hood. Getting the tank drilled and setup with overflows / returns / and a large custom sump started this weekend.

Also looking to add 5 120 watt (3 watt bulbs) LED fixtures, skimmer (not sure what kind) and 2 Eheim 1262s for the returns.

We'll be moving over the following from the 55 when everything is up and running and cycled:
8" Skeletor Moray Eel
1 1/2" Oc. Clowfish
2" Niger Trigger
2" Yellow Tang
2" Sailfin Tang
.5" Yellow Tail Damsel
Crabs, Shrimp, Snails
Few pieces of soft coral
~90 lbs of live rock

When everything is up and running, would like to add:
Achilles Tang
Crosshatch Trigger Male
Golden Dwarf Moray Eel
Black Oc. Clownfish
Some Angel
Few other smaller fish and a nice variety of coral
~200 lbs of live rock in addition to the 90 lbs

I'll try to keep this thread updated as everything moves along...


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55 to a 240? I have a 55 now, and couldn't even imagine moving to a tank that much bigger. Good luck with it though!
Congrats! Something I've found to be true in this hobby - larger tanks are much easier to maintain. All that water volume tends to absorb those issues caused by a brain fart moment. Keep the thread updated with pics as you progress!
Thanks guys... yeah bought a 135 to replace the 55 gallon... then realized it would not be big enough long term.

That's why I decided to go with the 240... if we stay in this house for 5 years it should be big enough :)
Just setup our 20 gallon long QT tank. Really want to try to make sure that everything that goes in the 240 is healthy.

Added about 10-12 lbs of live rock, a big PVC elbow, smaller PVD elbow with more hiding space, two fake plants and about 5 lbs of crushed coral. Will be making a little egg crate top this weekend.

Going to replace 8-10 gallons with DT water when I do a change Friday or Saturday. Hopefully the tank will cycle in the next 2-3 weeks. Also added a little bit of TLC bacteria a few days ago.

When it's cycled, I'm going to pick up a skunk shrimp, turbo snail and two small fish to keep in there full time. Still not sure on the type of fish. I think YT Damsels might be too territorial.

Just want something that's peaceful, will be happy in pairs, aren't shy and will coax new QT fish to come out and eat.
Tank if off getting drilled right now.

Going with dual overflows through the bottom of the tank, with 2 returns each. Also getting the custom sump and refuge made right now as well.

Ordered a Skimz Monzster 201 Skimmer, Two Sicce Voyager HP 4000 powerheads and their Wave Surfer Controller. Also ordered two Sicce Syncra Silent 5.0s for the return pumps.

Still trying to decide on lights... I have a certain LED fixture in mind, but they are out of stock at the moment. Will buy four of them... I've seen three cover a 6ft 135 very well.

When the tank is back and all setup, I'll order the 200 lbs of Live rock. Looking at a mix of Fiji premium, Fiji Totoka and Tukani to go along with the 90 lbs I'm moving over from my current display tank.

I'll cycle the rock in the tank... do a big water change when levels are 0 and fill it back up and let it run for a bit then move everything over :)
Awesome. I too realized bigger is better started with a 35 that never e en got wet then cycled a 55 when a 125 came along transferred it all over to that and that my current tank setup but I just purchased a custom 265 and all the goodies to go along with. Just waiting for the stand to be finished should be this weekend then the fun begins. Have fun man congrats on the upgrade

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I was under the impression that your qt should be pretty much bare. Others can chime in if I am wrong. All I have in mine is a simple filter, heater, and some pvc. No substrate, lr or other inhabitants.
Little update...

Have the following equipment now:
Tunze Skimmer (very similar to the 9420 ;) ), Two Sicce Voyager HP 4000s, Sicce Wave Controller, 2 300 Watt Eheim Heaters, 2 Quiet One Pro 6000s for Returns

Going to order 4 LED fixtures this week as well.

Tank is still being worked on. Having all the seals checked, switching the background to black, the dual overflows with 2 returns each are being made. Also the sump and fuge should be getting pretty close.

Hopefully everything will be done this month, so I can start making water and order my rock :)
Will do :)

Also, have a baby yellow bellied blue tang, black ice clown and 2 neon gobies in QT right now.

Want to pair up my Oc. Clown, so I got the black ice clown... didn't plan on buying any tangs until I had the Achilles, but the LFS had such a cute little yb blue tang I couldn't help myself. Thought maybe the gobies could do some parasite cleaning duties since my Niger loves shrimp...
What are the chances? I am currently working out a deal for a 240 gallon to upgrade to from my 55 :) Subscribed for sure!
Funny reading through this, how in 2 months I changed a lot of the equipment... mainly the return pumps and skimmer lol
Bigger is alway better... Congrats on your upgrade...jus like Hurricane said, I also thought that a QT had to be bare with the exception of a few PVC and filter.... Am looking forward on any update on this build...mkeep up the gud work man
Thanks, should be moving along pretty quick now.

I've got all of my equipment... and lined up my rocks, sand, CUC, etc...

Tank builded said the tank and sump/suge will be done the weekend of the 19th. Also ended up giving away my Niger Trigger, just wanted a more peaceful tank and would like to keep shrimp again.

I'll be putting a purple tank into QT when we get back from Vegas on the 15th, so he'll have ~ 6-8 week in QT, then I can introduce it and the yellow to the 240 at the same time.
Tank's finished and back :)

Noticed a small leak from a bulkhead, so the tank builder is coming over tonight to fix it and also take out a few tiny scratches I found while cleaning it.

Hopefully water will be going in very soon :thumbsup:
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