oh my gosh!!!!!!


New member
We got our first shipment last night. I took my kids to the airport at night because none of them wanted to stay home and go to bed!!!
I have to admit, I expected alot from this shipment since I've been following all the experiences from others here on the board. But what we got, took my socks off!
Now I know, what you guys mean by, the pics don't do the rock justice. I had no idea it would be so full of live and color.
While I unpacked the kids where squeeking and giggling the whole time. We found a couple crabs (good ones I hope), three little Brisstle Stars, tons of little white worms, and about 10 mussles (?) that open and close all the time!
If this is "only" my first shipment ... I have absolutely no idea, where I should put or stack the "nicer" rock of the second shipment. I don't think there is a single spot on the rock that isn't full of something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad I bought the rock from TBS. The customer service (Mary) rocks!!!!!! And so does the rock!!!!
Now I'm going back to watching my rock!
Take care,
It's a rather nice dilema to be in, isn't it...:) Where to put the REALLY good stuff? :)

Trust me...you'll be even MORE impressed when the coral rock comes. :)


Andy :wildone:
You will be amazed on the second shipment. I received my second shipment about 3 weeks ago and am seeing new things everyday, especially many diferent types of brain corals and zoo's everywhere.
It's a rather nice dilema to be in, isn't it... Where to put the REALLY good stuff?

It's still very hard to believe, that there could be even better looking rock out there!!

By the way, I've seen the head of a new creature. He was peaking out of a hole. He had big front claws (feet? he didn't stick around long enough). Can't wait to see him again, and try to figure out what it is. I just hope it's not a Mantis MONSTER
Big front claws? No...wasn't a mantis. A mantis shrimp will look pretty much like it's namesake...a Praying Mantis. It will have large eyestalks on the top of its head.

You saw either a crab or a pistol shrimp. If you hear loud cracking like pistol shots every now and then, you have yourself a nice pistol shrimp. They're harmless to your reef. If you hear CRACK CRACK CRACK in rapid succession...you have a mantis loose somewhere in your reef.

If you get a look at the little beastie again, look closely at the claws...If it's an overall purple or white with purple speckles, it's a porcelain crab, and it's a good guy. If the claw has black tips, then it's most likely a gorilla crab, and you want to chase the guy down and get him out of your reef.

Hope that helps!


Andy :wildone:
I guess we got our first shipments on the same day....AWSOME!! It was around 9pm when i finally got my boxes from United Cargo...they lost my boxes and took 3hrs to find them....baffoons!!!! Fortunately, that was my only bad experience. I got home and quickly tore into the boxes.....WOW! Life everywhere!! Even after empting only the sand bags in the tank, i saw life.....white worms shooting about and a pistol shrimp that had just molted....amazing. Anyways, it's been a great experience and my two boys are just glued to the tank looking for life. Great!!!!.....Mary you rule!!!!!
I've seen their pics on the web site and heard all the raves about the rock from people who have it, so do you think the life that comes on it could cause problems placing corals that you buy in the future? I know my bare rocks ran out of room awfully fast.
I haven't had a problem yet with placing new corals. You're going to have a natural die-off over time...it's the nature of the beast. Chances are good, especially if you're a beginner, that you're not going to have the rock look exactly the same or have everything survive over time. I've had a few sponges die off, but nothing significant. But the upside of having a difficult time finding places to place coral is that you already have a lot of life and corals already there. For me, it's a definite plus on a limited budget.


Andy :wildone:
Hi Sgt Fury,
what a coincidence ... same day, and my kids can't get enough. We started to write a journal, where they can write down, if they discover something in the tank.
And yes, I'm still amazed on all the live I've got in the tank now. I had "millions" of those white worms in the sand when I first put it in. Now they've all disappeared.

so do you think the life that comes on it could cause problems placing corals that you buy in the future?
I'm not sure about that ... but with all the corrals already on it, I'm glad I don't have to buy anything right now, to make it look "better"
I do have some room on the bottom floor, for a "tree looking" corral (over time, and I'm not sure about the correct name)
:) Congratulations! I just heard from Mary that my 2nd shipment comes in tonight at 9:15pm so I guess I know what i'll be doing late into the night!
I'm amped and feel they'll be hard-pressed to top what they've already sent but from what I've been reading it seems to be the standard
You know..If my initial experiences in setting up my tank had not been so enjoyable I can see how easy it might be to get discouraged or feel alone out there. This column and input from people like Mary and Mark have really made this thing a whole lot easier.
Thanks to all!:D
Well I dont think placing corals will be much of a problem given the inevitable die off. But my gosh! I've got 120lbs of rock sitting in my tank that is full of life.....vs. 120lbs of "cured" lifeless (with the exception of some hard algea etc...) rock sitting at my local fish store. The LFS owner was going to give me a break on 100lbs of Fiji rock...5.99 lb. " what with the trade restriction going on and all. A great price!" And you know what the best part is.....Ive got another 120lbs of "the good stuff" coming when this batch cycles.....all i have to do is call. Oh, and the clean up crew to .....240 blue legged hermits crabs and friends??!!! Unreal.... Anyways, Ive got a few pieces of coral on my new rock that may or may not make it through the cycle. Now off to my tank........I think I spotted a brittle star......see ya
With my red flash light I found our "MONSTER" It seems like I have two of them.

They didn't quite stay still long enough so I couldn't get a very good look, but this is how they look like.
It has white antennas, a long yellow/white/brown body, two claws (like a crab) and a tail like a dolphin!
I tried looking up some pics on the internet, but none look like my monsters. (maybe a lobster?????)

They are building a cave under one of my live rocks. They are having a big cleaning going on right now.

Any ideas? Good guys or bad guys?

jjmg said:
so do you think the life that comes on it could cause problems placing corals that you buy in the future?
Here's a funny story about coral placement and TBS rock.
I had a couple friends over and they were looking at the tank and one of them said...
"WOW I never saw a coral move like that"

Me what? "Hard corals don't move".

Him that one just did.

Me your seeing things

Him I swear that coral just moved
Now that coral is moving!

I made him think he was crazy for about 15 minutes and before I finally explained that I had glued corals on the top of some of the clams and mussles that came on the TBS rock and they were closing causing the corals to appear to move.
Good Guy

Good Guy

we_want_Nemo said:
With my red flash light I found our "MONSTER" It seems like I have two of them.

They didn't quite stay still long enough so I couldn't get a very good look, but this is how they look like.
It has white antennas, a long yellow/white/brown body, two claws (like a crab) and a tail like a dolphin!
I tried looking up some pics on the internet, but none look like my monsters. (maybe a lobster?????)

They are building a cave under one of my live rocks. They are having a big cleaning going on right now.

Any ideas? Good guys or bad guys?


Is a pistol shrimp, good guy!
Richard TBS
Thanks Richard,
I'm glad they are good guys, I already liked them. They where building a house under my rock the whole night. I would hate it, if I had to case them down!

Heh, my pistol that came with my TBS rock has made a cave under both of the bottom rocks I have in my little 5.5 gallon :thumbsup:

He dipped the big rock on the glass bottom last night. I don't even know how he does it .... but the rock is now on glass!
He is just so busy ... we named him "Duke" (John Wayne) ;)


Thx. I've just spent an hour to browse the tbsaltwater.com. The rocks there are wonderful. I really wanna order the rock and live sand but I'm afraid that it will cost so much in transport as live in Hong Kong!

