Ohio couple's first visit to Maine


New member
My wife and I came up to Maine on vacation in August and I forgot about these pictures until now. I had 3 memory cards and just found the one I really wanted because of these pictures. I took well over 2000 pictures and I have been able to narrow it down to around 300. I love digital, I never would've gotten away with this using film. We really appreciated all of the hospitality you all showed and plan to come back up again soon. You have beautiful state and a lot to be proud of. Anyhow, here are three of my favorites. I know its not exactly reef related but very cool nonetheless. I hope you enjoy!

This was a shot as we were coming up on the whlales. It fully breached, but unfortunately I was only able to catch the end of it.


This was the pair we were following. Apparently, they are pretty popular as the tour guides had names for them. Problem is my memory is way too short to remember that far back.


By far my favorite. We actually got sprayed from the blow whole. Supposedly good luck, but didn't smell so great. I could have jumped off the boat onto its back. I had my 75-300 zoom lens on and had to pull it all the way back to fit it in the frame.
