Ok a sps tank but not question. Anyone with other pets like cats or dogs!


New member
What do you guys use for anti flea device with the tank. Seems like i cant use anything on the floor because of the tank.
There are some orange oil products available at Whole Foods Market or Wild Oats (both natural foods shops). Diatomatious Earth powder is supposed to damage the exoskeleton and dry the fleas out. I havent used the powder, but the orange oil product from Whole Foods works well. I think its called "bugs be gone", but its been a while.
Fleas? Feline Advantage, on the cat. This discourages the pest from finding an indoor host. We travel a lot, with the cats, and in hotel rooms, it's the only sane choice.
Ok, ive used frontline, didnt do anything, flea powder, flea collar and she is vertually pest free between powdering but were seeing them on the floor. Yikes.
Wow, I used frontline on my dog's for a few year's. The stuff absolutley worked wonder's. Funny thing is I haven't used it in two year's now and have yet to see a flea. I'd know too, they like me better then the dog's.
I use Frontline PLUS on my dog. Last fall he had literally thousands of fleas on him (evidenced at bath time). I tried the medicated flea shampoos but nothing was working. The Frontline PLUS had those fleas completely gone within two weeks never to be seen or heard from again.
We had some in the house a few years back. Not wanting to use bombs to treat the house I found info online about using borax on the carpet. It seemed to work very well.
Frontline for the dog and the cat.

Works awesome for ticks.. We live next to a large wooded unkept area.. The dog is outside for most the day and he never gets any ticks.. If we ever go outside even to work in the garden, we come in with atleast 2.
I think my cat is immune to the frontline. Says its supposed to work within 24 hours and its half a month and did nothing. I just order 3 boxes of borax. Im takin them by storm.
I heard Frontline and Advantage mentioned--these are both good products and the manufacturers should stand by them. You could also try Revolution which you apply the same way (this kills fleas and also takes care of heartworm prevention). Revolution requires a Rx from your vet. All of the products above kill the adult flea. Theoretically, fleas over many generations could develop resistance to them as some have done with pyrethrins. There is another product called Program which is a monthly pill. It doesn't kill the flea but acts more like flea birth control. It stops the fleas from making chiton which they need for their exoskeleton and makes their eggs non-viable. (The product Sentinel includes Program within it along with a component (the stuff in Interceptor...red bug tx) that kills the adult flea this may account for its cost.) For a temporary quick fix with heavy infestation another product you can get from your vet is a Capstar pill which will kill all the fleas on your pet within minutes (but doesn't kill them over a long period of time). If any product isn't working contact the companies which make them--they may give you a refund. I don't know how safe any of these products are when they get into the tank but unless you cat is swimming in there (or you accidently drop a pill in) I don't think you will have a problem. Good luck!
(I have mentioned all this because I doubt the borax will do the trick--I think fleas may have a better chance of being on this planet long after we humans are gone :) )
Thanks so much. Well weve found a new home for Tuna, now we need to find a new home for her visitors. A nice place 3 inches under would be a good place, and im not talkin the carpet. Does anyone know the mechanism of a bomb. If i cover the tank completey and tie it around the bottom so no air in freely, would this help. The way I read the ad is that its petrolium based so does it spray fine like oil and settle on everything? If thats the case then if completely covered, then It might be ok?
Diatomatious Earth powder is supposed to damage the exoskeleton and dry the fleas out.

Diatomatious Earth doesnt dry the fleas out, it kills them this way:

A flea, or ant hops around and gets in the diatomatious earth... he/she/it hops away...

the slivers of dead diatoms get into the flea/ant like broken glass and rip its insides up like a blender... tada... flea/ant organ soup.

Very effective!

Read a thread a couple years ago about a guy that nuked his tank setting one of those off for an out of control flea problem.

Don't have 'em 'cause I give the cat and dog one of those "dropie on the neck" meds, (also a great excuse the get a 'scrip for interceptor ;) ) but I like the Borax on the carpet technique. waterfaller1, where'd you hear about that?
I would think, you could leave the pumps running, shut off the skimmer,turn off any fans on the tank, turn of the lights except for actinics. Then cover the tank with 2 bed Sheets, not quilts or comforters. Then set off the bombs, the sheets should protect against fall out. The mist off the bomb settles on the floor and when a flea comes in contact with it, it dies . I think, this is only an idea, try it at your own risk!!!. A safer thing is to use the flea raps that have a blue-green light and you turn it on at night, the fleas jump to he light and then fall back onto a sticky paper there for you to clean up in the morning. I have used the light thing before and it works, just not great though, but is perfectly safe.