The pool has a 1.5" BH already, which is perfect for my spare Sequence 4300. For the tank swap, I would set the pump up to feed the skimmer and filter sock the output, with the output above the water level of the tank. This would provide extra aeration since I won't be able to pipe in fresh air like I do in the tank room.
I have an extra 1000W ballast and dish style reflector that I would hang above the tank. Shouldn't be to damn hard to hold the stuff. It's the back and forth of it, fish aggression, and coral health that I am worried about. Every story of tank swaps I have heard about includes some livestock losses.
I would also set up a "frag" tank separately in case there is a major melt down. I have thousands of dollars in corals I would hate to lose. No matter how well things are planned out, there will be significant risk.
One nagging problem is my ability to manage complex tasks. I remember back in 2000 I planned and executed a move of our entire store to a new location. We closed down at 3pm instead of 6pm, and reopened the next day at 9am in the new location fully operational.
This past year (actually going back into '06) we expanded our store into the next unit. This involved new equipment, pulling down the wall between, new signage, and redecorating. And the work is still not finished. I am just not the guy I used to be, and that makes me nervous about attempting this swap.
I almost wished this on myself in a way, because I have seen many horror stories about people taking down their tanks because of pests, catastrophic failures, etc. and I have always told myself there's no way I am going to be able to do that...sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy I guess.
It all boils down to my feelings about the animals that rely on me. I take their lives much more seriously than most hobbyists. It's just how I am. I remember a few years ago my cat was showing signs of age, and my wife and son approached me and said it was time to get rid of the cat.
I told them the cat had been with me twice as long as either of them, and that if anyone was leaving, it would be them, not the cat. I think that about sums it up eh?