Ok I'm bad, I bought something...Implose Buy


New member
Ok I know I'm bad, i knew better, i think i'm never going to go into a LFS with money again. I actually think that woulds be best, that way is you see something you can't buy it and your forced to reseach it first. Well I don't remember what he told me it was all i heard what it's ok in 4watts a gal (i know it's probally not true) and i had a wad of cash in my hand so i bought it along with 3 hermits and a baby false percula. Well I put it up high in the tank and I hope it's going to be ok. I am gettting my new lights in a couple weeks when my tax returns come in :D Ok well I need help on what type of coral it is. It almost looks like a green star polyp, but it's not. Some of the polyps look like they might be dead, but most of them are a really pretty bright green. Right now most of the polyps are closed, but a few are starting to open up, so this is the best pic i could get at the moment, also the hand things are a florecent green that didn't show up in the pic. Please help me, i need to know lighting, water flow, feeding ect...I looked on marinedepot, but couldn't find anything that looked like it. :confused:


Looks like a pipe organ, but skeleton isn't red???. If so, all polyps should extend in a few days--they retract at night. Strong-medium current--strong light--filter feed--frozen cyclopeeze or other large zooplankton.
here is a better pic they are mostly all out if not all out. It looks even better than it did in the LFS. I think i was told it was a pipe organ, maybe. Hopefully these pics will help, i though it was a GSP too, but it does look a little different. I paid like $38 for it, i know i was probally ripped off, but that money was just burning a hole in my pocket :D


I was just reading that pipe organ corals came in different colors and types and are commonly mistanken for GSP, but the pipes don't grow fast all over other rocks and croud out other corals. I'm thinking thats what it is.
I can't view any of the pics???

Anyhoo, gsp's should grow out of a rubbery mat type base, while pipe organ grows out of a hard calcium skeleton. Just feeling the edge of the base should tell you which it is.

You would do better long term if they are gsp's, as pipe organ is rather hard to keep.

100% Organ Pipe (or Pipe Organ), I just got one yesterdaylooks just like yours except a little bigger.

Your lucky so many have opened up for you already, only about 1/4 of mine have opened....from the info I've gathered, more light the better but doesnt have to have strong lighting...medium should be fine with moderate to stronger currents....

I'll post pics after I finish acclimating my new Mandarin! (finally got one in honor of Chinese New Years!)
yeah please i would love to see pics of your pipe. Mine is pretty big about 6" by 4", how much did you pay for yours (if you don't mind me asking) mine is even more open that it was in the last pics, i think everyone of the Polyps is open, even the ones i thought were dead. In the LFS about 80% were open, but now all are. I only have 4 watts per gal, but i have the coral only 1 1/2 in from the surface of the water so i figure it should be ok untill i get better lights, what do you think?
I'm not very familiar with pipe organ corals, but how related are they to these, that liveaquaria sells as "starburst" or daisy polyps (shown separately and above from the GSP)?


Their image of pipe organ polyps looks rather different from her's:

Mine is about 7x 6 or so so its roughly the same size (sorry thought yours was smaller by the pics) and I paid $40 for it so no I don't think you got ripped off at all. There will always be those that say they got theirs for next to nothing but $40 about that size is fair market IMHO.

Yours looks really good! Opening up in full is great news! Mine is doing the opposite, it was completely open in the store and is now slowly opening (day 2 and only 1/4 open ). So I couldnt see the skeleton in the store and didnt notice this in the bag, but that white area between the pipes is a sponge which I'm sure I should eventually try to get out! (but in the store it looks great and full!)

But yours is obviously healthy and your tank seems to be fine for it, but like I said I'm new to taking care of the Organ Pipe as well so don't know if your lighting will be fine for the long run....but it seems to be more than fine for it now!

For the life of me I cant get a clear pic of the Organ Pipe, this is the best I can come up with right now after 10 pics...maybe I'll try later for a better shot but here's mine (should make you feel alot better about yours after seeing my pic :P)

I have found like 4 different types of the pipes, there is a redish one, the white ones, thoes fuzzy white ones and the ones that are mistaken for green star polyps. (from what i have learned anyways) If you do a google image search for pipe organ coral, you will see all the different ones. I found some that look exaclty like mine, so i'm thinking thats what it is. Mine does have the fuzzy stuff on the edges, but it's tiny and brown, it's extremly hard to make out in the pics.