Ok....who wants to help me setup my profilux III


Premium Member
I have had the pflux for about 6 months only running my AI lights. My apex f'ed up for the last time so I am completely switching everything to profilux but I am having trouble.

I have the profilux III ex. I have two digital 6 outlet pabs.

Question 1. The 6 outlet pabs have a cat5 hookup and look like they would hook into connection 15 (Connection for devices with ProfiLux Aquatic Bus (e.g. ExpansionBox) but based on the manual it would seem I should hook them up to connection 7 or 8 (Connections for powerbar, digital powerbar PowerBar6D, dosing pump units).

I have a lot more questions but lets see if anyone can help me with this before I move into how to program the powerbars (want to keep it basic at first--temperature and timers)


Connect the powerbar to the s1-s4. To program connect one at a time and assign the channels and then do the same with the next one. Thereafter, you can daisy chain them.

thanks. What cable do I use to connect to s1-s4. The powerbars seem to only have cat5 connector and the s1-s4 seems to be a smaller connection
There are 3 types of powerbar....

- Analog 4 plug powerbar
- Digital 6 plug powerbar
- PAB Digital 6 plug powerbar

The analog, connect to S1-S4 or S5-S8 and cannot be programmed they are fix numbering and react to the # assignment that they are connected to.

The Digital, connects to S1-S4 or S5-S8, but you have to enable the "Digital communication" fist on each channel. This powerbar can have a initial state setup, can be programmed to not overlap on S# and can be daisy chained (same for the dosers)

The PAB digital is pretty much the same as the Digital but it connects on the PAB (Profilux Aqua Bus)

So if you have a expantion box, the EX Box can be connected to the P3, and the Pab Digital bar to the EX Box... just make sure the PAB is configured on the P3 before trying to configure the powerbar
Thanks! Ok so I have two PAB digitals so I will use cat5 and hook one up to my p3 and then daisy chain the second to the first. Will this work? If so, what do I do next? (p3 is factory reset with latest firmware).
Any PAB device needs to be connected to the PAB port ONLY.

Once connected you need to assign the device so it is accessable. Once the device is added to your profilux, assign numbers to the sockets then you're good to go!
So, as an update I had a faulty cat5 cable and I couldn't discover the PABs. Switched the cable and now I see them.