Okay you can take a PIC....But can you DRAW one???


New member
Ill start it off with my pic i sketched last night. Took about 15 minutes. Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else have the artists touch? hehehehhe
Very nice ... I couldn't draw a straight line with a pencil and a ruler... :D ... That's why I love photography.

Would love to see that sketch above with color added.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8765099#post8765099 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by astrogazer
I couldn't draw a straight line with a pencil and a ruler...

amen to that... ive been trying to teach myself to draw and it just isnt working...
Here is a link to a page with a colored pencil pic I did of a mandarin. There is a blue painting of some sea horses too. I am not really good at this stuff, but I did it for a class. Photoshop and Illustrator are much easier for me. Anyway, hope you like my fish pics!
Both of you are great artists.

i8chicken, you are too modest. I think you are an excellant artist. Though, at first, I thought that pepper drawing was a little inappropriate for a sec, but then I saw the stems. Maybe I just have a weird mind.
Yikes! I had to go back and take a look at those peppers.... Just peppers as far as I can tell!:D

Thanks for the compliments on the pics, though. That's super nice.

I like to draw on the computer using a tablet, but it's harder for me to do "natural" drawing with a pencil and paper. "Control Z or Undo is so much easier than an eraser!

Anybody else draw their fish?
Random Aquarist: Yikes! I had to go back and take a look at those peppers.... Just peppers as far as I can tell!:D

Thanks for the compliments on the pics, though. That's super nice.

I like to draw on the computer using a tablet, but it's harder for me to do "natural" drawing with a pencil and paper. "Control Z or Undo is so much easier than an eraser!

Back to the subject...Anybody else draw their fish? Would LOVE to see pics!