Okinawa's Coral Reefs is on today, at 8am CST on discovery HD!


Premium Member
Just in case you didn't set your DVR and are home today, in 45 minutes discovery HD theatre will be replaying the Okinawa Coral program.
Has anyone seen the "Equator" series on Discovery HD? That is the most beautiful program Ive ever seen on reefs. If you get the chance,check it out.
I can't wait to get our HDTV!!! Just bought it last night and need to wait for the delivery and install.
You should see it in person. Many different things to see out There. All types of coral and clams in water only ankle deep.
My father lived in Okinawa for 8 years in the late 70's early 80's. He goes on and on about it. I never really knew if he knew what he was acctually talking about, until I watched this program.

in a word, amazing.
Yes I think this show is better than the Equator episode, if you just want to dive along with the camera and have a tour of the best coral reefs.

The Equator show (Reef of Riches) was interesting because it had a great deal of educational value and focused a lot on reef fishes.

But I am saving both on the tape.
Damn! I missed this! I hope this comes on again.

The Equator Reef of Riches show was spectacular! I was amazed how packed those reefs were, they looked as crowded as our tanks.