Olympus sp-350


New member
Does anyone have this camera and use it to photograph they're aquarium, Any tips for using the camera and taking pictures ? I cant seem to get it to focus right, during the auto focus, it will get the perfect clear picture then turn immediately blurry. It takes me about a hundred pictures to get a decent one. It is supposedly a really good camera and has 8mp but i just don't think I'm using it right....Any tips to the picture newb lol?
How close to the glass are you trying to take pictures? I have an Olympus C-755 and if I'm right on the glass (within 6/8 inches) it does the same thing. I think the auto focus is getting confused between the glass and the subject. If you need to be that close, focus on something the same distance as what you want to shoot (like your stand), and don't let it refocus, then aim and shoot your original subject.

FWIW, I think even pros take a few hundred pictures to get a handful of great ones.
It might also have to do with the autofocus mode. It sounds like the mode that it's in is continuously hunting for focus, even after you press the shutter release button. Is there a focus/exposure lock button on that camera? If there is, once you have the focus locked you press the fel button and the camera will stay focused on that point. I'm not familiar with that model so I don't know all features.