omg im a father now.


New member
I brought home a 2nd OBTA for my reef and my 1st OBTA split :p now I have 3...

wow - thats laughs..pinky must be in heaven...
you should stop picking stuff you reef krazed kraylen- or you wont be able to keep food in your kid's mouth much longer. 3??? i bet those things are going to roam all over unless you somehow get lucky...

are they staying put for now?
They have stayed put. one is close to the birds nest but has not moved. The new one is bubbling up very nice. I might have to get a mate for pinky. Damnit I wish I had no clowns I'd get some snowflakes right now... :ninja:
thats funny you mention that.. I was just thinking the same thing yesterday.. a new pair of snflakes would be siiiiicc. but instead im stuck with my red beast.