One additive that absolutly helps coral?

Snake oil. You get all the amino acids you need from feeding.

I have no vested interest in Seachem, but since using their Reef Fundamentals additives a couple of months ago all my Corals look fantastic. #1/#2 bottles are the basic Calc/Carbonate 2-part. But #3 bottle (Reef Plus) contains a mixture of Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids.

I struggled mightily with my Hammer (Euphyllia) Colony slowly dying away and no one seemed to know why. I literally went from a 30+ bud colony down to about 5 buds. I was going to toss this Coral because there was a wide speculation there was a parasite(s) living in this coral and eventually work its way to the others.

After watching some BRS videos, I can't remember the exact one but Randy mentioned they used amino acids on a daily basis. I took just thought it was "snake oil" and another money-waster. BUT, I got the Reef Fundamentals on Amazon for less than $20 and everything now looks fantastic. IN FACT, my Euphyllia branches are now growing tiny, tiny little buds.
Also, my Devils' Hand Leather coral looks amazing. The polyps extensions are truly fascinating. It used to gloss over/close up like every 2-3 weeks and now maybe does that every 6 weeks.

BTW, I used to use something called Reef Coral Frenzy. I didn't see any noticeable difference using it or not using it. So now, I don't use it all. To me it is just another food source to "muddy" the water. I stick to the Hikari sinking pellets which all the fish seem to live.

To each their own, but this is just my 2 cents worth of experience.
No question that amino acids enhance corals. That's what fish poop produces - amino acids, at least that is my understanding. Rather than buying amino acids, I just feed heavy and make sure I have a sufficient nitrate export method (carbon dosing).
One additive that absolutely helps coral?

Seachem ReefPlus.

(I wish I had used it earlier when I started in this hobby .... considering it just costs $10 AND I'd rather use an additive than feed "heavy" and pollute the tank. To each their own though.)


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