Reef Guru
I have added a few corals to my tank already, a few that I got at the frag swap, and a few that I got locally. I always dip them in a solution of Coral Rx or Revive to help them stay healthy, as well as rid them of pests. I want to start adding Interceptor to my QT regimen to prevent redbugs, but I have to get my hands on some first. Right now, I am dipping the coral in Revive for 10 minutes mixed into a bowl of tankwater, then after it soaks for 10 minutes, I rinse them off in a clean bowl of saltwater, then add them to the tank.
Here is what I am currently using:
I have added a few corals to my tank already, a few that I got at the frag swap, and a few that I got locally. I always dip them in a solution of Coral Rx or Revive to help them stay healthy, as well as rid them of pests. I want to start adding Interceptor to my QT regimen to prevent redbugs, but I have to get my hands on some first. Right now, I am dipping the coral in Revive for 10 minutes mixed into a bowl of tankwater, then after it soaks for 10 minutes, I rinse them off in a clean bowl of saltwater, then add them to the tank.
Here is what I am currently using: