Online tank monitoring?


New member
I recently had a tank crash and I was wondering if there are any monitoring systems available so that I can track my tank conditions online? Also are there any systems that allow you to dose your tank with the necessary chemicals or topoff from a remote computer online?

Link to tank crash
there are but they might cost money. Sorry to hear about your lost and if you need any help please let me know.
Check this

and the one I have experience with is Neptune from Neptune Systems
The only reason I can think why this happened is maybe the temp spiked since the 4th. Other than that there can't be anything that was different. Water changes were done and fresh carbon has been added so temp can be the only thing. Maybe some stuff will come back.
If you think a temp is a problem then you might want to get yourself what is almost the same as chiller contrl and in case if temp went up then it turns the lights off. Have you thought about this ?
I was thinking of buying a Aqua Controller 3 so that I can monitor online and be able to use the extra features in the future with a larger system when I get my own house in a year or two.
Yes as far as I can tell I have lost most of my SPS and the clams look to be in distress also. I will be home over Labor Day to survey the damage but I expect the worst. Up until this disaster the tank was in the best shape ever.
Sorry to hear that and if you needed any help I would've been more than happy to help. I know where you live and I know your dad and I could've tried to help as much as I can. I know your dad knows more about your system than I do and he probably tried his best. Let me know if you need some frags and I will be more than happy to help you. You guys have alwaybeen a good help and I will try my best to help.
Thanks for the offers. I might just have to take you up on the frags offer. I might just have to look you up when I am home next weekend.

Hopefully I will be able to bounce back from this. My dad did a water change and carbon change last week and next weekend I might do two large water changes. Hopefully some of the color will start coming back. It seems that everytime I try some corals like blue milli or torts, something goes wrong and kills them. Atleast there should be a good frag swap in a few months.
We will be working on the frag swap that we are having in November and hope you can make it.