Are you referring to a common bristle worm doing that to a live shrimp? I've seen them swarm over pieces of mussels or shrimp that was thawed frozen food, but haven't ever seen one attack anything living.
I know there are many marine annelids that will bite and attack live organisms. Like the Eunicid Worm aka Bobbit Worm - you don't want to mess with these guys!
I was referring to pieces of shrimp or mussel meat, and common bristle worms. Lots of them have tiny, but strong, jaws. I doubt they could or would eat a living critter, outside of the occasional small 'pods, snails or other relatively defenseless animals.
The wife and I were a bit amazed when bristle worms tore out chunks of meat. Pretty impressive for an annelid!
I have hundreds of bristle worms in my quarantine tank. Actually, the QT has several soft corals (xenia, palys, gorgonians, dwarf carpet anemones, etc.) Why not have an interesting QT? It is also where I grow out Banggaii cardinal fry, which I net out of the 90 gal. display tank, so it gets lots of newly hatched brine shrimp and other small foods.
The baby brine is apparently the perfect food for bristle worms, because there are hundreds in the QT. I've had this happen before. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, assured me vast numbers of bristle worms are COMPLETELY HARMLESS, and nothing will EVER go wrong.
What really happened was that the bristle worms began dying suddenly, polluting the tank, and I had the only tank crash I've had in 45 years of keeping aquariums. This time, I'm thinning them down. I'll try dottybacks, hawkfish - whatever it takes. Arrow crabs did nothing.