opinions on my new sump/refug


New member
what do you guys think about the proportions and design?

since you can't read the numbers:

the whole thing is 20x10
skimmer section is 11x6.25 with 2x2 section cutout for intake(skimmer footprint is 10.75x6, ASM Mini)
return is 6.5x6 for a mag5
refugium is 3.5x19.5

hummmm, well depending on how big the tank is I would say this is going to be too small. That is about 10.8gal of water and only 3.69gal of water for your fuge. I would say you should try to get a larger fuge area if possible. The dimensions of the tank would help, I could tell you how many gal if you do not already know.